Money flow under remuneration rights system
Under the remuneration rights system, money moves around in two separate streams. One stream is used to reward medical innovation, which is expensive, and the other to purchase drugs (which physically embody said innovation), the manufacture of which is relatively cheap. Because funds for medical innovation are decoupled from drug sales, the prices of drugs fall and are affordable to poor and wealthy alike.
To reward medical innovation, a remuneration rights fund is created from taxes. Other groups, such as healthcare insurers and philanthropists, may also contribute towards this. This fund is distributed to the holders of remuneration rights, a non-exclusive property right recognizing innovation (similar to the exclusive patent), based on the health impact of the innovation.
As medical innovation is rewarded separately from drug sales, companies are no longer awarded monopolies. This means anyone can produce the new drug, and competition will drive the costs of medicines close to the cost of manufacture (with fair profit margins for manufacturers). As this is relatively cheap, most people can afford to purchase medicines.
Remuneration right distribution flow (suggested rename: Drug distribution under the remuneration rights system)
Current state (suggested rename: Distribution under the current system)
As pharmaceutical companies must finance medical innovation and drug manufacture from just the sale of drugs, prices are high. This means only those with sufficient resources can afford to access medicines. Those unable to afford the high costs of medicines go without.
Under iMed (suggested rename: distribution under the remuneration rights system)
Rewards for medical innovation are no longer tied to the sale of drugs, instead coming from a remuneration rights fund distributed according to the health impact of innovations. Consequently, monopolies are no longer awarded to innovators, allowing anyone to produce the new drug and sell it. Competition drives prices down, meaning no one has to go without.
Current State
Under iMed