Proposals database

Title Description Start date Status of project Proposal type Superseded by Research (funding and structure) Open or closed Push or pull Target area Region Key people/organisations Website Links to key documents
GAVI A PDP focused on vaccines for children, which pools the demand of poorer countries and is financed partly through donor funding and partly through recipient country contributions. 2000 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Gates
3P Proposal A package of incentives to encourage the creation of a one-month TB regimen which is affordable for all. 2015 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Open Mixed Targeted International TB Alliance (TBA), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the Stop TB Partnership (STBP), The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union), the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), the Critical Path Institute (C-PATH) and an individual nominated by civil society groups (CS)
MRDT - Medical Research and Development Treaty (or MIC - Medical Innovation Convention) A binding international treaty committing states to contribute a certain propostion of GDP to medical research. 2002 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Open Mixed Comprehensive International CPT, James Love, WHO, Hubbard -
WHO biomedical convention proposals. A series of proposals to the WHO to create a global framework committing states to contribute a certain level of funding into a pooled funding mechanism. 2005 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Open Mixed Comprehensive International Brazil, Kenya, WHO - -
WHO Global Consortium a multifaceted model combining milestone prizes and research grants for promising drug candidates, open source sharing of knowledge and information, publicly financed clinical trials, patent buyouts of successfully developed antibiotics, and advanced purchase commitments for generic distribution 2014 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Open Mixed Targeted International WHO -
Orphan Drug Act 1983 A set of incentives included extended market exclusivity introduced by government to encourage the creation of drugs which affect a small number of people. 1983 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted US US government -
PRVs - Priority Review Vouchers (US) A US scheme where companies who create neglected drugs are given a voucher for use on another drug which will expedite the FDA review process. 2006 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted US Ridley Grabowski and Moe, FDA -
MPP - Medicines Patent Pool A patent pool which reduces the cost of drugs treating HIV, viral hepatitis C and tuberculosis. 2010 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Open Pull Targeted International UNITAID, WHO -
DEFEND - Developing Economies’ Fund for Essential New Drugs A fund for buying licenses to produce and sell drugs in the developing world. 2001 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted Developing countries Ganslandt, Maskus, Wong -
Pneumococcal AMC A scheme where donors precomit to subsidise the price of pneumococcal vaccines when developed. 2007 Operational Proposal - Prizes ? Pull Targeted GAVI countries Italy, UK, Canada, Russia, Norway, Gates Foundation, GAVI
Chagas Disease Prize Fund A proposal to the WHO for a $250m prize system for Chagas disease, incorporating product prizes, technical challenge prizes and best contribution prizes 2009 Proposed Proposal - Prizes Open Pull Targeted International Bangladesh, Bolivia, Barbados and Suriname, WHO -
MIPF - Medical Innovation Prize Fund A compulsory fund to replace the patent system which rewards innovators on the basis of the health impact they create. 2005 Proposed Proposal - Remuneration rights Open Pull Comprehensive US Bernie Sanders -
HIF - Health Impact Fund A proposal to create a fund to pay for pharmaceutical innovation according to health impact. 2008 Proposed Proposal - Remuneration rights Open Pull Comprehensive International Pogge, Hollis, Incentives for Global Health, Global Justice Program
Cancer Innovation Fund A proposal to delink R&D costs from drug and vaccine prices in the case of cancer. 2017 Proposed Proposal - Remuneration rights Open Pull Targeted Europe/International Union for Affordable Cancer Treatment (UACT), KEI -
FRIND - Fund for Research in Neglected Diseases A fund for R&D into neglected diseases which awards remuneration to innovators provided that their drugs are sold affordably. 2009 Proposed Proposal - Remuneration rights Closed Pull Targeted Developing countries Novartis, Herrling -
Drug Development Corporation - DDC A proposal to separate R&D companies and pharmaceutical production companies at a regulatory level, and create a public, non-profit intermediary called the Drug Development Corporation. The DDC would license manufacture with price caps, and reward R&D companies with royalties proportionate to social impact. 2008 Proposed Proposal - Remuneration rights Mixed Pull Comprehensive - Finkelstein and Temin - Cited in Stewart, Tessa, and Benjamin Mak. “New Drugs, New Frontiers: Balancing Access and Affordability in the Treatment of Infectious Diseases.” Cambridge Medicine Journal, 2016. doi:10.7244/cmj.2016.03.001. From Finkelstein S, Temin P. Reasonable Rx: solving the drug price crisis [Internet]. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: FT Press; 2008
CARB-X A biopharmaceutical incubator with the aim of accelerating a diverse portfolio of at least 20 high-quality antibacterial products towards clinical development by leveraging $450 million in BARDA funds with matching funds from Wellcome Trust. 2016 Operational Organisation - Grants - - Targeted International Part of CARB. Boston University. Kevin Outterson. BARDA. Wellcome Trust -
Antibiotic Conservation Effectiveness (ACE) Program A comprehensive system involving value based reimbursement, P4P payments, conservation-based market exclusivity, and anti-trust waivers 2011 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Closed Pull Targeted US Kesselheim, Outterson - Improving antibiotic markets for long-term sustainability.
Essential Drugs Incubator - EDI An international body disbursing grants and prizes in exchange for the IP rights to drugs created. 2016 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Mixed Mixed Comprehensive International Stewart and Mak - Stewart, Tessa, and Benjamin Mak. “New Drugs, New Frontiers: Balancing Access and Affordability in the Treatment of Infectious Diseases.” Cambridge Medicine Journal, 2016. doi:10.7244/cmj.2016.03.001.
the Reinvigorating Antibiotic and Diagnostics Innovation [READI] Act An act providing tax credits and other incentives for the development of antibiotics. 2017 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Closed Mixed Targeted US Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.) and Mike Thompson
GIP - green intellectual property A patent-related monetary flow directed to a trust fund for R&D. 2006 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Closed Mixed Comprehensive International Itaru Nitta -
Rewarding Antibiotic Development and Responsible Stewardship (RADARS) Program A combination of NTAP payments for novel antibiotics and a guaranteed minimum annual revenue for developers over the drug’s first five years on the market. 2013 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Closed Pull Targeted US Pew -
GlaxoSmithKline’s Delinkage Model An annual payer license combined with a variety of incentives such as PDPs, tax credits, and research grants to delink sales and R&D costs 2014 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Closed Mixed Targeted International submitted to the WHO by James Anderson, GSK -
BEAM Alliance Position Paper Proposed a fund for small and medium biotechs working on AMR, regulatory harmonisation, and market reforms (tax breaks, extended exclusivity, revision of pricing models, market entry reward system) to increase the price of antibiotics and make their creation more attractive. 2015 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Closed Mixed Targeted International BEAM Alliance (biotechs of europe innovating in antimicrobial resistance)
Carlet and LeCoz 2015 A report to the French government proposing an extension of market exclusivity and revision of price setting and subsidy of R&D costs via a new fund. 2015 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Closed Mixed Targeted International Carlet, LeCoz, groupe de travail spécial pour la préservation des antibiotiques, French government. Some of this may be being acted upon. -
BioShield A package of incentives including the commitment to purchase for a national stockpile, aimed at reducing the risks of bioterrorism. 2004 Operational Proposal - Mixed Closed Pull Targeted US US government -
Essential Medicines Patent Pool - EMPP An extension of the MPP to all essential medicines. 2017 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted International Lancet Commission, MPP
Vaccines Research Relief An R&D tax credit scheme the fields of vaccines and treatments for tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS 2003 Completed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted UK UK Department (ministry) of Trade and Industry -
Intra-country differential pricing of vaccines public sector and NGOs pay a lesser price than private companies. - Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted - UNICEF, PAHO, GAVI -
Differential pricing of vaccines Most vaccines are sold with a three-tiered structure. - Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted International UNICEF, PAHO, GAVI -
21st Century Cures Act A US bill which expedites review for qualifying biologicals and devices. 2016 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted US Fred Upton
PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) program An initiative to buy and distribute HIV drugs to poor countries. 2003 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted Developing countries US government -
Paediatric incentive Companies who carry out drug trials on children are rewarded with a period of market excusivity on the drug for adult consumption, under the Modernisation Act. 1997 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted US FDA, US government -
CHAI - Clinton Health Access Initiative An initiative to buy and distribute drugs and to negotiate lower drugs prices, particularly focusing on HIV/AIDs 2002 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted Developing countries Bill Clinton -
Differential pricing of ARVs Tiered pricing for developing countries for ARVs. Sometimes funded by pharmaceuticals, otherwise by donors. 2000 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted International Accelerated Access Initiative (AAI), Abbot, Bristol Myers Squibbs, Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Gilead and Merck, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and malaria, and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR -
Differential pricing of Mycobutin Sold at 55% lower than US price. 1992 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted International Pfizer -
Differential pricing of Lyrica Sold at 60% lower than US price. 2005 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted International Pfizer -
Differential pricing of insulin Sold at less than 20% of developed prices. 2001 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted International Novo Nordisk -
Differential pricing of Januvia Sold at a fifth of the US price in India after consultation with Indian healthcare workers. 2006 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted India Merck -
GSK pricing scheme Tiered pricing scheme. 2013 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted International GSK -
Novartis pricing scheme Non-profit provision of antimalarials. Including intra-country differential pricing, where public sector and NGOs pay a lesser price than private companies. 2001 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted International Novartis, Global Fund, USAID/PMI, World Bank, WHO -
GAIN Act - Generating Antibiotic Incentives Now An act extending market exclusivity for antibiotics by 5 years and granting fast track and priority review status. 2012 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted US Obama Administration, part of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act, Tom Harkin, Phil Gingrey
Developing an Innovative Strategy for Antimicrobial Resistant Microbes (DISARM) Act a proposed US bill that would build on NTAP by offering permanently higher payments for qualified antibiotics to those hospitals participating in the Antimicrobial Use and Resistance Module of the National Healthcare Safety Network 2014 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted US Peter Roskam
Options Market for Antibiotics (OMA) a funder pays a developer a premium in return for the right to purchase a set volume of antibiotics at a discount upon successful launch 2013 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Mixed Targeted - David Brogan, Elias Mossialos - Incentives for new antibiotics: the Options Market for Antibiotics (OMA) model
HCV buyout A proposal by Peter B. Bach and Mark Trusheim for the US government to buy Gilead in order to reduce the cost of HCV. 2017 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted US Peter B. Bach and Mark Trusheim -
PRVs - Priority Review Vouchers (EU) An EU scheme where companies who create neglected drugs are given a voucher for use on another drug which will expedite the patent review process. 2010 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted EU Ridley and Sanchez -
Multilateral Treaty on Health Technology Cost-Effectiveness Assessment and Competitive Tender A treaty formalising basic principles for price negotiations between buyers and manufacturers, especially competitive tendering. 2006 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Comprehensive International Faunce - Faunce, Thomas Alured. “Toward a Treaty on Safety and Cost-Effectiveness of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices: Enhancing an Endangered Global Public Good.” Globalization and Health 2 (2006): 5. doi:10.1186/1744-8603-2-5.
IRFF - Industry R&D Facilitation Fund A proposed mechanism to raise funds for PDPs through the sale of government bonds to be repaid through future donor grants. 2005 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Push Either National Moran, the George Institute, the Wellcome Trust, Pharmaceutical R&D Policy Project -
FTO - Neglected Disease Fast Track Option A proposal to sell fast track review to companies who wish, and spend the money on R&D for neglected diseases. 2005 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted International Moran -
Sui generis rights Perpetual market exclusivity for off-patent antibiotics. 2007 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted US Laxminarayan - Laxminarayan R et al. (2007). Extending the cure: policy responses to the growing threat of antibiotic resistance. Washington, DC, Resources for the Future (RFF Report).
Antibiotic Innovation and Conservation (AIC) fee a tax applied per prescription used to fund push incentives and stewardship programs 2011 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Push Targeted US IDSA - Combating antimicrobial resistance: policy recommendations to save lives.
Antibiotic Corporate Bond the sale of 10-year government-guaranteed corporate bonds (antibiotic corporate bonds or ACBs), repaid from the sale of patent-extension certificates (PECs), to create a fund for antibiotic R&D 2015 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Mixed Targeted - Barclays, Chatham House, Ella Jaczynska, Kevin Outterson, Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz -
Bamako Initiative An experiment launched at a WHO meeting employing community-based revolving drug funds (i.e. user fees). 1987 Completed Proposal - Monopoly Rights Closed Pull Comprehensive Developing countries WHO, UN -
Prize4Life A prize fund for ALS treatment. 2006 Operational Proposal - Prizes ? Pull Targeted International The prize broker innoccentive, Avichai Kremer
Gotham Prize for Cancer Research A $1m annual prize for the scientist posting the best ideas on oncology. 2007 Completed Proposal - Prizes ? Pull Targeted International Joel Greenblatt and Robert Goldstein, Gary Curhan -
Armand Hammer Cancer Prize A $1m end prize for a cure for cancer within a decade, as well as smaller milestone prizes for innovative cancer research. 1981 Completed Proposal - Prizes ? Pull Targeted International Armand Hammer -
Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize A 100 million yen prize, awarded every five years in two categories, one for individuals active in the field of medical research, and one for an individual or organization involved in medical services. 2006 Operational Proposal - Prizes ? Pull Targeted Africa WHO, Japan
The Kochon Prize An annual prize of $65000 for a great achievement in the field of TB. 2006 Operational Proposal - Prizes ? Pull Targeted International Stop TB Partnership, Kochon Foundation
Longitude Antibiotics Diagnostics Prize A $10m prize for a diagnostic test which helps to solve atibiotic resistance. 2014 Operational Proposal - Prizes Closed Pull Targeted International Nesta (Horizon2020) and Innovate UK
Antibiotic reimbursement model A global reimbursement system providing a base rate reward for qualifying antibiotic products, and then a benchmarked series of additional rewards for novel mechanism of action; addressing serious unmet medical needs; reducing health-care costs; targeting priority resistant pathogens; and post-approval label changes to expand the indications. 2016 Proposed Proposal - Prizes Closed Pull Targeted International Outterson and Rex - Rex, John H., and Kevin Outterson. “Antibiotic Reimbursement in a Model Delinked from Sales: A Benchmark-Based Worldwide Approach.” The Lancet Infectious Diseases 16, no. 4 (April 1, 2016): 500–505. doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(15)00500-9.
Office of Health Economics’ model Combines an AMC at a national or supranational level and local value-based pricing 2014 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Closed Pull Targeted International OHE -
Archon Genomics X-Prize A $10m prize pot for targets in speed and cost relating to genome sequencing, which was cancelled because it was deemed not to be incentivising innovation. 2006 Rejected Proposal - Prizes Open Pull Targeted International X-Prize Foundation
Improving Access To Affordable Prescription Drugs Act (S. 771 and H.R. 1776) An act including the creation of a prize fund for antibiotics, to be awarded on condition of openness. 2017 Proposed Proposal - Prizes Open Pull Targeted US Al Franken, Jan Schakowsky -
Service-availability premiums A system where a developer is remunerated on the basis of service performance in view of the user’s desired needs rather than for selling a specific product 2015 Proposed Proposal - Remuneration rights Closed Pull Targeted - BAE, Chatham House, Ella Jaczynska, Kevin Outterson, Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz -
International Dispensary Association (IDA) A procurer which bulk buys medicines to sell them on more cheaply 1972 Operational Proposal - Monopoly rights Closed Pull Essential medicines International selected as the procurement agent for the Global Drug Facility (GDF) in 2007, and later for the Global Fund's Pooled Procurement Mechanism, in 2012
Global Drug Facility (GDF) A procurement mechanism for TB drugs, which lowers prices via international tendering mechanisms, pooled demand and systematized forecasting 2001 Operational Proposal - Monopoly rights Closed Pull Targeted International Stop TB Partnership, WHO -
Health Product Research and Development Fund [WHO] A pooled fund proposed to the WHO for Type II and III diseases, which would allocate funding to health product R&D based on evidence-based processes. 2016 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Open Mixed Targeted International WHO, TDR, Rob Terry, Pierro Olliaro
Longitude Prize a £10m prize for developing an affordable point–of–care diagnostic test that will conserve antibiotics. Also gives out seed funding. 2014 Operational Proposal - Mixed Closed Mixed Targeted International Nesta, Innovate UK -
LPAD PLus The LPAD faster approval system for antibiotics combined with a monetary prize in return for conservation commitments and marginal cost pricing 2014 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Closed Pull Targeted US Ken Outterson -
AMR Review Proposes a Global Innovation Fund of $2bn over 5 years for early-stage and non-commercial research; and a system of market entry rewards of around one billion USD per drug for effective treatments. All of the proposed mechanisms should apply to vaccines and alternatives as well as antibiotics. Supports delinkage. 2014 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Open Mixed Targeted International Jim O'Neill, The Review on AMR. sponsored by the Wellcome Trust and the UK Department of Health. Endorsed by BEAM Alliance
GUARD Proposal for the creation of a Global Union for Antibiotics Research and Development (GUARD) which would administer a Global Research Fund and a Global Development Fund, each of $200 million; and a Global Launch Reward of $1 billion per commercialized product. 2017 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Closed Mixed Targeted International written by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) for the German Federal Ministry of Health in follow up to a 2015 report. There is some discussion of this surrounding the G20. -
Australian All you can Treat Hep C contract A volume-based pricing agreement to treat 62,000 people at a cost of AUS$1 billion over five years. 2015 Operational Proposal - Mixed Closed Pull Targeted Australia Australian government
AIFM - Antibiotic Innovation Funding Mechanism A fund awarding grants and various prizes, combined with a tax on antibiotic use. 2013 Proposed Proposal - Mixed Open Mixed Targeted - Love presented to the WHO.
GHIF - Global Health Investment Fund A $108 million social impact investment fund designed to provide financing to advance the development of drugs, vaccines, diagnostics and other interventions against diseases that disproportionately burden low- and middle-income countries 2013 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Push Targeted International JPMorgan Chase & Co. and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation -
Antibiotics as Public Goods Milestone monetary prizes for early-stage antibiotic discovery, nonexclusive licensing for promising antibiotics, and an open source platform to share intellectual property, data, and clinical results 2014 Proposed Proposal - Prizes Open Pull Targeted International submitted to the WHO -
TB Prize Fund A proposal to the WHO for a prize system for TB, incorporating product prizes, technical challenge prizes and best contribution prizes 2009 Proposed Proposal - Prizes Open Pull Targeted International Barbados, Bolivia, WHO, -
Donor Prize Fund An optional innovation prize fund, funded by a percentage of donor outlays on drugs for HIV/AIDS and perhaps other diseases, where the prize is linked to the licensing of patents and other intellectual property to generic suppliers 2009 Proposed Proposal - Prizes Open Pull Comprehensive International Bangladesh, Barbados, Bolivia and Suriname, EWG, WHO -
Chatham House Report A report proposing the creation of a global secretariat to coordinate domestic expenditure and perhaps create a pooled fund. Advocated the delinkage of R&D costs and sales volume and delinked payments to qualifying products. Critical of market exclusivity as an incentive. 2015 Proposed Proposal - Remuneration rights Open Pull Targeted International Chatham House -
PDP+ Fund A fund allocated to R&D into neglected diseases, which awards remuneration to innovators on condition of pro-access measures. 2010 Proposed Proposal - Remuneration rights Open Pull Targeted International Novartis, George Institute, IAVI, Wong, Moran, Herrling!+Mail -
Meningitis Vaccine Project A PDP to develop a meningitis vaccine, 2001 Completed Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted Africa WHO and PATH -
Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative A PDP to develop a hookworm vaccine. 2000 Completed Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Sabin, Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas -
2004 agreement between the International Partnership for Microbicides and Tibotec Pharmaceuticals, a Belgian subsidiary of pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson, to develop a microbicide to protect women from infection with HIV An agreement to develop a microbicide to protect women from HIV infection. 2004 Completed Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted Africa IPM, Tibotec Pharmaceuticals Ltd., a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson -
CD4 Initiative An initiative to develop an easy to use point-of-care test 2005 Completed Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Imperial College London, Gates -
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria A partnership which mobilises and invests nearly $4bn annually in AIDS, TB and malaria. 2002 Operational Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted International WHO -
Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) A $7bn investment fund set up by the Australian government using savings from the health department which funds medical R&D. 2015 Operational Proposal - Grants Closed Push Comprehensive Australia Australian government, -
CEPI - Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation A fund for the creation of vaccines for potential epidemic diseases. 2017 Operational Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Germany, Japan and Norway, plus the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. In addition the European Commission
Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative An R&D institution which also invests in capacity building and campaigns for delinkage 2003 Operational Organisation - Grants Open Push Targeted International the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation from Brazil, the Indian Council for Medical Research, the Kenya Medical Research Institute, the Ministry of Health of Malaysia and France’s Pasteur Institute; one humanitarian organisation, Médecins sans Frontières (MSF, cofounder); and one international research organisation, the UNDP / World Bank / WHO’s Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR
GARDP - Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership An initiative to fund the development of antibiotics in cases where there is resistance or inadequate treatment. 2016 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International WHO, DNDI -
CARB - national action plan for combating antibiotic resistant bacteria An action plan including among other things the creation of a biopharmaceutical incubator to stimulate innovation, the creation of a shared database on AMR, and the funding of antibiotic development. 2015 Operational Strategy - Grants Closed Push Targeted US Obama administration, interagency Task Force for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria; written in response to the PCAST report
Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)'s Broad Spectrum Antimicrobials (BSA) programme A body creating PDPs, and providing grants and technical support for the develpment of antibiotics. 2010 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted US BARDA, BSA
Lygature A PDP. 2016 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Comprehensive International Netherlands -
EVI - European Vaccine Initiative A PDP focused on vaccines. 2011 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International University of Stockholm, Heidelberg -
FIND - Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics A PDP working on the development and delivery of diagnostic tests for poverty-related diseases. 2003 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International WHO -
IAVI - International AIDS Vaccine Initiative A PDP working on AIDs. 1996 Operational Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Rockefeller -
IDRI - Infectious Disease Research Institute A PDP focused on infectious diseases. 1993 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation National Institutes of Health Eli Lilly & Co. Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Wellcome Trust M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust GlaxoSmithKline American Leprosy Missions World Health Organization BARDA/DARPA -
International Partnership for Microbicides A PDP focused on HIV. 2002 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International - -
IVCC A PDP focused on insect borne diseases. 2005 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Gates, Sweden, UK, UNITAID, USAID, Wellcome -
Malaria Vaccine Initiative A PDP for malaria vaccines which is part of PATH. 1999 Operational Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted International PATH, Gates -
MMV - Medicines for Malaria Venture A PDP for developing antimalarial drugs. 1999 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Switzerland, DFID, World Bank, Rockefeller, Netherlands -
TB Alliance A PDP working on TB. 2000 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Gates, Australia, Ireland, Germany, UK, US, GHIT, Indonesia, NIAID, Netherlands, UNITAID, FDA -
TBVI - TB Vaccine Initiative A PDP focusing on TB vaccines. 2008 Operational Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted International European Commission, DFID, Norway, Biofabri, Australia, South Korea, Switzerland -
GDAC - Global Dengue & Aedes-Transmitted Diseases Consortium A consortium committed to the prevention of dengue which provides scientific forums and policy advice 2016 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Partnership for Dengue Control (PDC), the International Vaccine Institute (IVI), the International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Sabin Vaccine Institute, WHO -
IVI - International Vaccine Institute A non-profit which conducts research, partnerships and capabity building in the field of infectious diseases of the poor. 1997 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International UNDP -
WHO’s Tropical Disease Research A programme of scientific collaboration focused on diseases of poverty. 1974 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted International WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank -
Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation A non-profit which funds and runs trials and research with the aim of creating TB vaccines. 2005 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Targeted Africa and Asia Gates Foundation, European governments, US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and National Institutes of Health, the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund -
ANDI A network supporting R&D in Africa through funding and capacity building. 2008 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Comprehensive Africa - -
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework A global framework adopted at the WHO to share information and viruses and to commit industry to contribute to a fund. 2011 Operational Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted International WHO
PATH A non-profit which creates partnerships in the areas of vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, devices, and system and service innovations. 1977 Operational Organisation - Grants Closed Push Comprehensive International WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA -
Global Vaccine Development Fund A proposal to create a $2bn fund via government donations and tax incentives to fund vaccine development. 2015 Proposed Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted International Plotkin, Farrar, Adel - Plotkin, Stanley A., Adel A. F. Mahmoud, and Jeremy Farrar. “Establishing a Global Vaccine-Development Fund.” The New England Journal of Medicine 373, no. 4 (2015): 297–300. doi:10.1056/NEJMp1506820.
Building a Diagnostic Innovation Platform to Address Antibiotic Resistance (Dx Platform) A proposal to use upfront public funding in exchange for an end-product diagnostic test for antibiotic resistance priced close to marginal cost 2013 Proposed Proposal - Grants Open Push Targeted International proposal to the WHO submitted by ReAct and Program on Global Health and Technology Access -
Insurance premiums The government or individuals pay insurance premiums into a pot which is then spent on antibiotic R&D and conservation. 2015 Proposed Proposal - Grants Closed Push Targeted - Allianz, Chatham House, Ella Jaczynska, Kevin Outterson, Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz -
PDP-FF - Product Development Partnership-Financing Facility Donor-backed bond financing of PDPs 2008 Proposed Proposal - Grants Closed Push Comprehensive International IAVI, KEI, James Love, WHO, Aeras -
DVI - Dengue Vaccine Initiative An initiative which conducted research and policy work to promote the development of a dengue vaccine. 2011 Superseded Proposal GDAC Grants Closed Push Targeted International WHO, SABIN, IVAC, IVI -
PDVI - Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative An initiative which conducted research and policy work to promote the development of a dengue vaccine for children. 2001 Superseded Proposal GDAC Grants Closed Push Targeted International Gates, IVI - -
TI Pharma A PDP which in 2016 merged with CTMM to become Lygature. 2006 Superseded Organisation Lygature Grants Closed Push Comprehensive International Netherlands -
iOWH - Institute for One World Health A non-profit drug development organisation which is now part of PATH. 2000 Superseded Organisation PATH Grants Closed Push Targeted International PATH - -
PCAST Working Group Proposed 'doubling the current investment from $450 million to $900 million' and spending it in part through direct grant and an antibiotic incentive fund (AMCs and milestone prizes) and Global Challenge Inducement Prizes for the development of rapid, inexpensive, and clinically relevant diagnostics 2014 Proposed Proposal CARB Mixed Closed Mixed Targeted International Obama administration, PCAST working group -
EU Plan 2011-2015 An action plan including the fast tracking of antibiotics. 2011 Completed Strategy One Health Action Plan Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted International European Commission -
Limited Population Antibacterial Drug (LPAD) approval a streamlined clinical trial process for novel antibiotics that allows the drug’s safety and efficacy to be studied based on substantially smaller, faster, and less expensive trials 2012 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Pull Targeted US IDSA
International Financing Facility for Immunization (IFFIm) A fund which raises money by selling vaccine bonds backed by donor commitments on the capital market, and then gives the money to GAVi, the vaccine alliance. 2006 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Push Targeted International GAVI -
SAR - Strategic Antibiotic Reserve a single or group of governments buy or license the patent for an important first-in-class antibiotic to keep the drug from being marketed 2009 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed - Targeted US Outterson - Improving antibiotic markets for long-term sustainability. The legal ecology of resistance: the role of antibiotic resistance in pharmaceutical innovation.
Essential Patent Pool for AIDS A proposal to create a patent pool for AIDs drugs. 2005 Proposed Proposal Believe superseded by medicines patent pool (not formally but in its essence) Monopoly patents Open Pull Targeted International Essential Inventions, James Love -
COV - Call Options for Vaccines A system where the purchaser buys the option to purchase a set number of pharmaceuticals at a date in the future at a discounted rate. 2006 Proposed Proposal OMA Monopoly patents Closed Mixed Either - Mossialos Applying the concepts of financial options to stimulate vaccine development.
Standard essential patents Proposes the use of 'standard essential patents’ (used in the telecom sector and also in environment technologies) to allow for mandatory licensing. Any patents which are deemed essential to fulfilling the protocol for a particular disease will be available for use by WHO approved manufacturers, who pay the patent-holder a royalty. 2016 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents - Pull Comprehensive Developing countries HIgh level panel on acces to medicines, Chandni Raina, Centre for WTO Studies at the Indian Institute for Foreign Trade -
Automatic License System (ALS) An Automatic License System as a TRIPS extension which would allow developing countries to automatically license patents relating to prescription drugs. 2016 Proposed Proposal - Monopoly patents - Pull Comprehensive Developing countries HIgh level panel on acces to medicines, Mariano Genovesi, ALIFAR -ASOCIACIÓN LATINOAMERICANA DE INDUSTRIAS FARMACÉUTICAS -
Magistral production A pilot scheme in Utrecht where hospital pharmacies produce personalised prescriptions locally, thus circumventing patent law and saving costs. Funded by insurance companies. 2017 Operational Proposal - Monopoly patents Closed Push Targeted Netherlands Huub Schellekens - Schellekens, Huub, Mohammed Aldosari, Herre Talsma, and Enrico Mastrobattista. “Making Individualized Drugs a Reality.” Nature Biotechnology advance online publication (2017). doi:10.1038/nbt.3888.
The Pool for Open Innovation against Neglected Tropical Diseases An information and patent pool focusing on drugs for NTDs, which then formed the basis of WIPO's Re:Search 2009 Superseded Proposal WIPO Re:Search Monopoly patents Open Pull Targeted International BIO Ventures for Global Health, GSK, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals -
Australian Democrats Prize Proposal An optional, international public good patent scheme, where innovators are rewarded from a fund in relation to health impact. 2007 Proposed Proposal - Remuneration rights Open Pull Comprehensive International Australian Democrats Party -